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?DFE Won the Bidding of Power Distribution Master Station Project at Tiananmen Square in Beijing
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Our company has won the bidding of reliability-improving projects at the important station of Beijing Urban Power-supply Company of the State Grid Corporation of China, namely transform and upgrade project for the power-distribution master station at Tiananmen Square in Beijing. This system is customized  to monitor the power distribution for important users, analyze the line loss and control the decorated lanterns at Tiananmen Square and nearby areas.

Beijing Tiananmen Square is the center of  important national political activities, and also a part of Class A+ power - supply region. It’s one of the key reliability –improving projects in the 13th Five Plans. By year 2020, the annual average power interruption time at Tiananmen Square shall be less than 5 minutes,  marking the leading level in the world. 

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