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Indian MP electricity transmission Project Transferred To Users
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On July 23, our company’s Indian MP electricity transmission project was approved by users’ systematic inspection. The project obtained the certificate and formally was handed over to users.

MP project consists of three control center systems and supply of 330 substations. The installation, trial, inspection and training of 3 control centers and 302 substations were completed on January 28, 2016. On July 23, the system was formally handed over to users after over 5 months’ trial.

As the first provincial SCADA project in the industry of power system automation of India, MP project is better than its peers in construction progress and quality. The payment is received successfully. Customers are satisfied. Project team adds new additional contract in the process of project operation.

The successful Indian MP project brings customers good social and economic benefits, makes customers more influential in the industry and provides valuable experience for other power companies in India in the construction of automatic power system. 

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