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Create A Green Future of Digital Energy with DFE -- DFE Shined at International Digital Energy Expo 2023
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On June 29 - July 2, 2023, the International Digital Energy Expo 2023 themed on “Creating A Future with Digital Energy” took place at Shenzhen Convention & Conference Center. Dongfang Electronics Corporation (“DFE”) on invitation highlighted new products and new technologies at the event in four dimensions (new power system source, grid, load and storage), covering digital grid, edge cluster and cloud system of the intelligent scheduling and operation platform, intelligent transformer substation, new generation of centralized control station, digital distribution, integrated energy service and virtual power plant, energy storage and new energy, network and source synergism, and photovoltaic bracket SCADA. In the limelight for China Southern Power Grid (“CSG”) integrated energy and virtual power plant project, remote substation intelligent patrol system, digital power distribution system and digital high-protection environmental protection gas ring cage, DFE had in-depth and constructive communication with experts and scholars on site.

The leaders of CSG Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau Co., Ltd. visited DFE stand to learn about its construction of CSG distributed resource-load aggregation service platform and interaction with Shenzhen Virtual Power Plant Management Center, and recognized the achievements pf DFE in comprehensive energy services. Leaders of CSG and municipal administrations in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan and Guizhou also gave valuable comments and instructions on the stand of DFE.

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